var localizedContentList = window.NameSpace || {}; localizedContentList = { "Account_SignIn_PageCopy_SignInMsg" : "

Sign In

to continue to Regional Emergency Response

", "Account_SignIn_PageCopy_RedeemMsg" : "Redeem Invitation", "Account_SignIn_PageCopy_ForgotPasswordMsg" : "Forgot Password?", "Account_SignIn_PageCopy_CreateAccountMsg" : "No account? Create one", "AddFacility_AvailabilityMsg" : "Availability", "AddFacility_MaxRangeValidatorMsg" : "
     - Must be number with no decimals or comma with a value between 0 and", "AddUser_ValidatorRoleMsg" : "Please select at least one role", "AddUser_VaccineLocatorOnlyRoleMsg" : "Vaccine Locator Role cannot be selected with other roles.", "AddUser_errorMessageEmailOriginalMsg" : "A record that has the attribute values Email already exists", "AddUser_errorMessageEmailnewMsg" : "A record that has the same Email already exists", "BedcapacityEntityForm_AtleastOnereasonMsg" : "
     - Specify at least one reason", "PortalContactFacilitySelection_DefaultLocationMsg" : "The default location for Facility _facility_name could not be found. Please choose another facility or contact your system administrator.", "PortalUserReqForm_specifyOneReasonMsg" : "Specify decline reason, please", "PortalUserReqForm_ReasonMsg" : "Reason", "PortalUserReqForm_DeclineReasonMsg" : "You need to fill in the decline reason to proceed", "PortalUserReqForm_DeclineMsg" : "Decline", "PortalUserReqForm_CloseMsg" : "Close", "StaffEntityForm_PercentageMsg" : "
      Percentage should be between 0 and 100.", };